All the money, will go to the Humane Society. My Mommy adopted me from the Humane society orphanage.

This is me swimming with Mommy. I love her, and I know she loves me. Isn't spending exercise time fun with Mommies and Daddies!
Things have greatly improved here. Star is home eating and home with her Mommy. I've gotten to play fetch with Mommy often.
The voting is going well. Mommy is daft with the computer, so for the voting you must scroll down. The poll is above the pictures. So far Oskar is winning.
I must go and play help Mommy get ready to teach pre-school. She is a pre-school teacher, and I think the children have made her ill.
Oh, Happy Birthday to Mango's Mommy. Mango's new header picture is one of Mango the vampire. He is a very handsome Mastiff and scary vampire. I have eyes for another though, someone whose name begins with Os.
Sally Ann
All the entries are so khute and very special!
ReplyDeleteMine idea is still on Mom's notepad of things-to-do!
We are furry happy Star is doing better!
PeeEssWoo: Khan your mommy just put the little ones in khrates?
We love hearing all this good news!
Sally Ann,
ReplyDeleteHope your mommy feels better tomorrow. My mom has a real good chicken soup recipe. I'll ask her to email it to your mom. It is no fun being sick and there seems to be a lot of it going around.
You are so lucky to get to go swimming with your mom. When I go swimming, I just get all soggy and sink to the bottom. That's what happens to bears.
I love your bear picture. How fun that you get to swim with Mommy. I am happy that Star is home.
ReplyDeletelicks and sniffs, Sasha
Wow! Thanks for remembering my poor old momma. It makes her super happy.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE pressies.
Send me a peemail to backupdogATcomcastDOTnet and I will send my snail mail address.
It is so nice to start the week on such positive notes. Hooray for Star! We are very happy that so many are participating in the Teddy Bear contest because it is such a good cause...and everyone looks so safe and happy with their special friend. Mostly, Sally Ann we are glad that things being back to normal means that you can spend more quality time with your mommy and brother! Continue to have a great week!
ReplyDeleteWe're so glad to hear Star is better.
ReplyDeleteSally Ann, you are too cute in that photo.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
I love spending time with my mom, but don't tell anybody!
ReplyDeleteIt's so wonderful to hear about Star. Swimming is fun! Spending time with Mommy and Daddy, doing anything or nothing is the best!
Teddy Bear
Wagging Stars doing better now.Will keep my paws crossed. Teehe.. I think Khyra is onto something with putting the little ones in crates.
ReplyDeleteMaybe let them out for a clicker training session before they go home?
Wiry wags n kisses Eric xx
Glad to know Star is doing better!
ReplyDeleteKisses and hugs
How wonderful to hear that Star continues to do better! Charlie sure is a big teddy!
ReplyDeleteLove ya lots
Maggie and Mitch