Friday, April 27, 2012

I am engaged!

He popped the question! I am going to be a wife. He put the collar in an extra large soft chewy treat. Wow, this is so amazing! He wanted to use his red leash afterwards to let his sister know he had ask me, and I said yes.

After he ask me, he sat down to rest.  Isn't he handsome! 
Sally Ann


  1. Congratulations and Best Wishes!!

    Loveys Sasha

  2. Awwww HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!! How romantic! Yay! Take care

  3. OH this is just WONDERFUL news!!! When is the big Wedding????

  4. Congratulations! He IS handsome!

  5. SallyAnn
    You awe one soopew lucky doggie to have the heawt of youw Hootie and that he asked fow youw paw in mawwiage

    sigh..I do love twoo love
    can't wait to heew when the date yoo have a twoo sew?
    awe you going to have abwidal showew???
    This is too exciting
    smoochie kisses

  6. Congratulations!!!

  7. oh wow! concats dear friend!!!!!!

  8. This is the biggest news in Blogville! Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Lifetime of Happiness to you both! Will it be a June wedding or something less traditional? We need details, Sally Ann!


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Thank You Dogster

Thank you Tessa, You are very sweet.

Thank You Coco, this award is amazing and sweet.

Thank you for the pretty pretty Valentine sweet little Hootie

Thank You Teddy

Hootie's special Valentine for me.

Hootie's special Valentine for me.
Oh Hootie, Thank you so much. I love it.

Thank you so much Woodstock

Happy Bark Day Sally Ann, From Doyle

Thank You Oskar

Thank You Oskar, your cute.

Oskar and Bear

I drew this - Sally Ann

Mack the Mighty

Thank You Teddy

Thank You Sasha

Thank you Siku, an Eskie Princess

This is from Doyle, Thank you Doyle

Thank you George

Thank You Rocky Creek Scotties

Four Paws for Snickers