Hi y'all, this is Sally Ann.
My Mommy wants to write a book about me to be a fundraiser for the ATC. She wants to write about my pretend life.
Where Kitty, the Boston terrier above, and I move to Paris to become supermodels. After all we do have long legs. Then, my ATC beau Owen comes over, and we get married(That is why Mommy needed the pictures). Then for a second book, Owen and I have been married for several years, and we have twins, Sare and Sylvie. Sare after Owen's Mommy who died very suddenly(she was only 4, and didn't wake up from a general anesthesia from a teeth cleaning type thing.) It could show me being the great Buckhead Mommy. Taking care of the twins, and then having baby Owen or Mack(Mommy says she is not sure). Owen would be the great businessman, and the twins would go to all the events human puppies who . Mommy needs photos to put a layout together. She says if this ever becomes a real, she would like for some one to draw human - doggie looking dogs. So, when I would be pregnant, I would look like a pregnant human Mommy, and the Kitty and I would be walking like human models in Paris on the cat walk.
Mommy says this might not ever happen, but I sure I hope it does.
Oh, Andy seems OK now, so Mommy is going to hold off in sending him to Military school.
Sally Ann
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that youw bwuvvew is not going to militawy school and that youw pawsibull caweew as a soopew model and subsequent womantic wedding awe going to maybe be in a book..I think it would be vewy cool..long tie ago, my wheelie sissie Mywna and hew twoo love Gilbewt had amost spectacoolaw wedding in Salzbuwg..it wne on fow days wif most of my then doggie fwiends and wheelies in attendance..They have since had fouw childwen..you can pwobably find it on my bloggie a few yeaws ago..it was heavenly
smoochie kisses
Well I think it would be fun to write!!! I'm just sayin.
ReplyDeleteAndy's just getting started!
ReplyDeleteMiro the birthday boy
Alanis (I don't chew things up. I am GOOD.)
Mommy's idea for a book about you sounds so wonderful, Sally Ann! We bet it would be a best seller! I am sure she knows there are quite a few very good artists here in blogland, including Asta's mommi.
ReplyDeleteWe are glad Andy is not being sent away to military school. He really is a good boy with a loving heart.
Sounds very exciting! You are sure pretty enough.
ReplyDeleteNubbin wiggles,
Good luck with this venture!!! Sounds like an exciting scheme to do!!!! Take care
Doesn't that sound like a fun book?! Hootie said he doesn't like the sounds of it, but he's just a silly boy. I told him it was all make believe, so not to worry about Owen.bol.
I'm not jealous Sally. I know it's just a book. Besides, you never promised to be true to me. :0( BTW, I actually do know other girl Welshies that I met at Dales 'n Friends. They are not very sweet to me though. Kinda grouchy little gals!