Hello blog world. We have returned from DMA. We would love to give a seminar on Book safety for Safety week, if it isn't to late. Mommy has a special something for Miss Peach's family. When she was in Paris, she saw something just perfect for them. I told Mommy, "perhaps, Miss Peach's Mommy doesn't really read our Blog." So, could someone let them know, because Mommy wants to send this "thing" to them. It is really quite cute, and it will fit in at her "tea house." I had great adventures via my flat self. My flat boyfriend, his flat sister, and flat Andy joined were with Mommy. Oh, I am beside myself, we are back. I know more words know, and I can recommend Mans Best Friend. Mommy said it was Dog Military school, but it really wasn't. Don't tell her though.
Sally Ann