It is Sally Ann from the south.
Don't I look French?
Whilst the other version of me is traveling, I am thinking about traveling. Mommy is going to the city of lights in the early spring, and I want to go with her. I did the titre test, and I was at 1.8 in November. So, I am waiting my 6 months. But, Mommy worries that the trip might be to much for me. I told her, no way. I'll be fine. Does anyone have any experiences traveling abroad as such? I know that Irish Clive has traveled here, and British welsh man George has traveled here? (here being the states) I would love to travel with Mommy, but Mommy is unsure about it. We have started early, but Mommy wants the option to be there; if, England is the destination of choice.
Also, Mommy for got to tell me that my angel sissy took KBr and her she was being misleading, but sometimes my Mommy can be daft; but, I love her and I think she is perfect.
The Sally Ann still in Atlanta