Hello y'all, well Mommy and I are here now. We have three things to write about.

So, here we go.
Today, I ran errands with Mommy.
We went to a dog shop, and then we went to

Then we got gas for the car.

Then, we got some pizza for Mommy and Nana:

I even got to go in with Mommy. Wow, this is a first.

When we got home, I got to eat my happy meal.

I sure loved the

Yummy, this is so good.
Now, I am ready to support my team.

ra ra ra
Mack has had some GI issues, so Mommy has been using a lot this on our carpet recently.

If anyone has carpet issues, this works really well. Now, Mack is well, but Mommy used up a half a bottle on the carpet just today.
Now, the award.
And now for an award -
We appreciate it and
will proudly post it on our sidebar.
But it comes with some stipulations -
Here are the rules:
1. Publish it on your blog,referring to the furiend who passed it on to you.
2. Share five things you like to do.
3. Pass it along to keep the circle growing.Well, first for me.

1. I love Mommy
2. I cry if Mommy leaves me alone and takes Mack without me.(Mommy calls it
separation anxiety, but I call it Love)
3. I love to eat cash, yes cold hard cash. It taste good.
4. I am a friendly terrier, and I get along with all other doggies. Most welsh women don't for some reason.
5. I love rating, and I am most excited about my first event in

1. He loves Mommy
2. He is the
bestest big brother ever
3. His neck is better, so he doesn't look funny any more
4. He loves to sleep on the bed with Mommy
5. He is the most handsome Eskimo dog I've ever met.
The Rocky Creek Scotties gave us this great award. We want to thank them for this award.

We would like to give this award to:
"Through the eyes of Tweedles"A Square Dogs BlogAiredale HeavenBob T Bear (esq.)'s DiaryDUFFY'S NEW YORK DIARYLastly,
About two weeks we
received some gifts from
Defoor and Arrow. Mommy has been lazy in posting about this. So, finally here it is:

What is it? We both looked with our noses.

Wow, they sent us bones, cookies, and a two fun toys. I love the treats and the toys. Mack adores the salmon treats the most. He likes to eat. He could be a dog foodie. I love all of it.
Thank You so much, we love them all.
Sally Ann